Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) Factors

ESG studies make it possible to evaluate companies' commitment to sustainability, society and good corporate governance. As their acronyms indicate, they focus on three areas: Environment, Social and Governance.

  • The environmental side includes aspects of biodiversity, soil and water pollution, atmospheric quality, noise pollution, carbon footprint, energy efficiency, water management, waste generation and management, etc. related to property.
  • The social one focuses on evaluating the degree of inclusion and gender equality, the promotion of health and well-being, the safety of users, remuneration, integration and relations with the society where the activity develops, etc. of the company
  • Corporate governance includes the analysis of compliance with current regulations, the management of relations with suppliers, corruption, the commitment to policies that promote social and environmental progress, etc.

Despite not being financial, the aspects included in the EGS are currently of great relevance to investors and analysts with the aim of carrying out sustainable investments. The growing interest in companies committed to sustainability and society is given by the current course of European economic policies, where sustainable development takes on more and more prominence every day.

Of particular note is the European Green Pact, which aims to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent. It aims to transform the EU economy into a competitive and efficient economy in the use of resources. Within this framework, it develops resources, tools and regulations such as the CSRD (Directive on corporate information on sustainability) that homogenise, standardize and bring transparency to companies' sustainability assessments.

MediTerra 's team of technicians is constantly trained and up to date with the new European and national directives on sustainability. We provide support at all stages of ESG assessment and accompany our clients during the design of Improvement Plans that allow them to implement internal policies and procedures in line with the new environmental standards.

At MediTerra  we ensure the transformation of companies into companies committed to the environment and our society. Step by step, we guide our customers towards sustainable development.



  • MediTerra supports the local community by making donations to help organise activities in the annual neighbourhood’s festival
  • MediTerra also supports the local businesses. When organising meetings we ensure sure that the venues are local, that they offer proximity produce and that they have a sustainability and recycling program in place.
  • At MediTerra  we favour local hiring and 90% of our workers are from Blanes. In this way we also reduce our carbon footprint by reducing travel.
  • MediTerra  is in collaboration with local primary schools with environmental awareness sessions.


  • MediTerra's offices were renovated in 2022. We only use Green Energy, there is a recycling system in place in the canteen, a 0 plastic bottles policy was introduced providing each worker with a glass bottle that can be filled up and re-used. A new climate control system has been installed which is 40% more efficient than the previous one.