NICOLE Workshop Autumn 2023


MediTerra attends the NICOLE workshop Autumn 2023

As a member of NICOLE (Network for Industrially Co-ordinated Sustainable Land Management in Europe), MediTerra attended the Autumn 2023 Workshop represented by Jordi Boronat and Pernille Nielsen on 23-25 October in Malmö, Sweden.

NICOLE is a leading forum on industrially co-ordinated sustainable land management in Europe, promoting co-operation between industry, academia and service providers on the development and application of sustainable technologies

The workshop featured a wide range of presentations and prestigious speakers, and it was a very productive few days with service providers, industries and academics at the same table discussing site contamination, the latest updates on PFAS and soil regulatory initiatives. Jordi and Nila return excited about the new NICOLE Foundation with 2 projects already started and 3 in the pipeline.