Environmental audits for Amazon


MediTerra, in collaboration with the British consultancy DeltaSimons, has environmentally assessed approximately 80 plots located throughout Spain for two consecutive years for future logistics warehouse developments, coinciding with the SARS-COVID-19 pandemic period.

In the first phase (Phase I), ASTM E1527 methodology was followed to identify environmental conditions with risk to soil quality (REC), known historical soil impact conditions (HREC), known and controlled conditions (CREC), de minimis conditions (conditions that do not pose a threat to human health or the environment) and business environmental risks (BER) in relation to each of the plots.

During the reconnaissance visits, potential sources of environmental contamination, vulnerability of the physical environment and past uses were identified to determine historical environmental impacts.

Based on the findings detected in the first phase, a Phase II was carried out, consisting of a preliminary soil and groundwater investigation. Depending on the characteristics of the site, the investigation comprised soil sampling, groundwater sampling or soil vapour sampling.

Based on the results of the investigations and on the basis of the future project, Phase III consisted of assistance and advice during the decontamination of the site, including environmental monitoring during construction works.



Challenge: Provide an agile response in a short period of time on the environmental assessment of sites, with the mobility constraints imposed by the SARS-COVID-19 pandemic.

MediTerra's solution: To have a specialised team with collaborators with the capacity to mobilise to all the communities in Spain in a short period of time. For this MediTerra is in charge of the whole process, hiring of machinery for probes, decontamination equipment, laboratories, etc and contact with the authorities if necessary.

Benefits for the client: To have an evaluation of the current state of the property that allows us to assess the viability of the transaction. In addition to obtaining an economic valuation of potential environmental liabilities and an action plan to make the land suitable for the intended future use.

About the client: This is the largest company in e-commerce that has seen accelerated growth during the pandemic.