MediTerra has participated in the adaptation to local regulations of numerous HSE ("health, safety and environment") performance assessment manuals that some companies use as a selection method for their contractors, mainly in the construction sector.
Many foreign companies in the construction sector that decide to bring their activity to Spanish territory usually have manuals or questionnaires in which different questions are asked regarding the health, safety and environment regulations applicable to construction sites. These manuals are given to potential future contractors to assess their degree of knowledge and compliance with the applicable regulations, thus forming part of the pre-selection system for contractors. MediTerra is responsible for adapting these manuals to local regulations, as they are usually based on the regulations of the company's country of origin. The process of adapting the manuals includes the establishment of equivalences between local and foreign regulations, the identification of requirements that are not applicable in Spain, the adoption of new requirements based on local regulations and the translation of the documents.

Challenge: identify the legal requirements in terms of safety, health and environment applicable to the type of work to be carried out and establish equivalence with foreign regulations.
MediTerra's solution: provide the client with a version of its contractor assessment manual fully adapted to the applicable local regulations, helping them to have a reliable document to assess the HSE performance of potential future contractors.
Benefits for the client: to have a version of their contractor assessment manual fully adapted to Spanish regulations that will be useful during the contractor selection process.
About the clients: an international energy company that supplies energy to more than three million homes worldwide and one of the largest technology companies in the world.